Transfer of Study Program Accreditation from BAN-PT to Five New Independent Accreditation Institutions (LAM)

The Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology (Ditjen Diktiristek) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemendikbudristek) together with the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) held the Launch of the Study Program Accreditation Transfer from BAN-PT to Five new Independent Accreditation Institutions (LAM), on Friday (31/12).

The five new LAMs include LAM of Engineering, LAM of Natural and Formal Sciences, LAM of Economics, Business Management and Accounting, LAM of Informatics and Computers, and LAM of Education. So that now there are six LAMs in Indonesia, after previously the accreditation process for health science clusters was carried out by LAM-PTKes (Independent Accreditation Institute for Higher Health Education in Indonesia). The purpose of switching study program accreditation from BAN-PT is to determine the feasibility of public and private universities on the basis of criteria that refer to the National Higher Education Standards.

Acting Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology Nizam explained that the existence of the LAM would greatly help the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology to determine the quality of the set of study programs.

“With the accreditation agency that was built together with the set of study programs, we can know which ones have met the standards, which ones have exceeded the standards, which ones have not reached the standards,”. He said as quoted from the Kemendikbud, Research and Technology website.

He hopes that with the presence of the LAM, quality assurance in the future will be more relevant to the standards of the professional world. In addition, the presence of the accreditation agency is expected not to increase the administrative burden for universities. For the administrative process, universities are expected to take advantage of a reliable university database system.

“I advise that all LAMs only use one data, namely the Higher Education Database. Second, don’t let there be too much administrative burden on higher education programs. If you are going to carry out accreditation, it will take months to prepare documents,” concluded Nizam.

Chairman of the Accreditation Council of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education Imam Buchori revealed that in accordance with the mandate of Article 55 paragraph 4 of Law No. 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education that university accreditation is carried out by the National Accreditation Board and Study Program Accreditation as a form of public accountability carried out by the Independent Accreditation Institute. .

Furthermore, in accordance with article 21 Letter F of the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 5 of 2020 concerning Accreditation of Study Programs and Colleges, the BAN-PT Accreditation Council has a duty and authority to provide recommendations on proposals for establishment in the government or society to the Minister.

Imam said that in 2016-2021 the Accreditation Council of BAN-PT had evaluated proposals and provided recommendations for 5 LAMs, namely LAM of Education, LAM of Economics, Business Management and Accounting, LAM of Natural and Formal Sciences, LAM of Informatics and Computer Science and LAM of Engineering.

To be able to carry out accreditation of study programs, LAM-LAM in the community must meet several requirements. Imam explained that these requirements include, among others, that LAM becomes a legal entity as evidenced by the existence of a notarial deed and endorsement by the Minister of Law and Human Rights, obtaining a decision on the list of study programs included in the scope of LAM from the Ministry of Education and Culture, and having an instrument for accreditation of study programs including instruments for fulfilling the requirements. minimum accreditation of study programs that have been set by the Accreditation Council of BAN PT.

Imam added that LAM must have standard procedures for implementing study program accreditation, have the necessary facilities and infrastructure for the implementation of study program accreditation according to standard procedures, have sufficient assessors in number and meet the requirements, and have obtained ministerial approval regarding the amount of fees charged for accreditation. study program.

“The five community LAMs meet the requirements as stated above and the BAN-PT Accreditation Council has also assessed these documents and stated that in general the LAM-LAMs have complied with the provisions of Article 1 Paragraph 1 Letter A to letter F of the BAN regulations. “PT Number 9 of 2020 concerning the Policy for Transferring Study Program Accreditation from BAN-PT to LAM, and they are ready to carry out study program accreditation,” he said.

